Southern Resident orcas are on the brink of extinction, warranting an all-hands-on-deck commitment to urgent action. Another orca, Mega (L-41), has likely died. With the population at its lowest number in at least 40 years, more action is urgently needed to get the orcas off the path to extinction before it’s too late. And right now, we have a chance to take a critical next step in the Washington Legislature.
In November 2019, the Orca Recovery Task Force recommended shifting beyond No Net Loss to Net Ecological Gain, recognizing that endangered Southern Resident orcas are struggling due to lack of salmon, vital for orca survival and recovery. This was not a new concept developed by the Task Force – the Task Force amplified a growing recognition that No Net Loss is not working and we are losing habitat faster than we are protecting and restoring it.
We need your support to pass House Bill 2550. This bill is important because salmon cannot wait. Their numbers have dropped by 90% compared with historical numbers, and every year we delay makes it more difficult and more expensive to overcome these declines.