Take action: require utilities to clean up sewage pollution and prepare for the future

The Department of Ecology is asking for public comment on a draft Clean Water Act discharge permit that requires sewage treatment plants to transition to advanced treatment to reduce nitrogen and other pollution. Nitrogen spurs algae blooms, and when algae decays, that robs the water of oxygen and worsens ocean acidification.

Urge the state to tighten up this pollution-control program and call on cities and counties to do their parts to protect Puget Sound. Submit your comment to Ecology today!

Enter your information.


Thank you for taking action.

Hello, my name is _____ and I live in ______. 

I am calling to urge you to recognize the value of fully funding environmental programs. Environmental programs are a mere 1.9% of the state operating budget but these programs provide benefits to communities across the state through clean air, clean water, and thriving communities that make Washington a great place to live, work, and play.   

Specifically, I hope you will adopt a final budget that maintains funding for existing environmental programs and provide new funding for:

- Oil spill prevention (HB 1611)

- Reducing toxic pollution (HB 2182)

- The Clean Air Rule

- Puget Sound recovery

Thank you for all of your hard work during the 2017 legislative session and for considering my comments. I look forward to hearing from you, I can be reached at __(Phone Number)__.